As we all know, Water is the Driving Force of All Nature ! And the Magic of Nature is contained in Water!
This #Worldwaterday the theme by @un_water has been MAKING INVISIBLE VISIBLE
@unep@unclimatechange@un_water @ministry_of_jal_shakti @namamigange
@nwmgoi Being the children of Mother Earth its our duty to take care of Mother Nature. This World Water Day , like always I went out on a cleanup drive on the banks of the river side ... As I saw heaps of plastic bottles, glass bottles, plastic, plates, cups discarded on the banks of river , it was heart wrenching to see how careless can humans be!
The sameplastic went flying in the air and landed in the river ! sad! There are fishes, in water.. birds and stray animals feeding on the river water! and here we humans are littering their home too! We all love to picnic on the roverside. But how good is it to litter and spoil the beauty of Nature? Do we litter in our house? No right ? Exactly! Next time u picnic on riverside or anywhere in Nature, Kindly Do not Litter. Incase you see anyone littering, Voice out to stop them from littering. BE THE VOICE, BE THE CHANGE !
#donotlitter #dontpollute #dontpollutewater #waterbodies #savewater #worldwaterday #waterhero #cleanupdrive #wwd2022 #worldwaterday2022 #makinginvisiblevisible #valuingwater #worldwaterday #worldwaterweek #worldwater #worldwaterday #worldwaterday2022 #waterislife #waterislife #waterday #savewatersavelife #savewater #cleanindia #cleanindiagreenindia #climatechangeawareness #cleanindiacampaign #cleanupdrive #jalshakthi #jalshaktiabhiyan #jalshaktiministry #waterheroes #waterhero #waterheros #waterwarrior #waterwarrior