We are back with an other #contest . A #youngwriterscontest . This #plasticfreejuly we dare you a #plasticfreechallenge . Are you ready to share your story on #plasticfreeliving ? Then get started ..Pen down your story of PLASTIC FREE JULY and drop it in our inbox. The top three, best stories win the #changemaker Award DM your entries to our insta handle or mail us at sunshinefortnightly@gmail.com
#contests #plasticfree
#actnow #environmentnews #environment #climateliteracy #climateaction #climateemergencyday #stories #storywriting #writingcontest #writingcommunity #writingcontests #shortstorycontest #writingcontestshortstories #shortstorychallenge #shortstorycompetition #shortstorychallenge